Source code for seshat.dispatch

#!/usr/bin/env python
Dispatch is the actual WSGI app which is served. This module also contains
several configuration properties, along with easy access to the apps route
table (:py:class:`.RouteTable`) though `route_table`.

.. note::

    If you would like to see the logs that seshat produces, using the standard
    library `logging` module, create a handler for `seshat`
For more information and licensing, see:

Josh Ashby
from greenlet import greenlet
import logging

from error_catcher import catcher as error_catcher
from route_table import urls as route_table
from request import Request
from session import Session

logger = logging.getLogger("seshat.dispatch")

request_obj = Request
"""The class which should be used to create a new :py:class:`.Request` object from.
Should inherit from :py:class:`.Request`"""

session_obj = Session
"""The class which should be used to instantiate a new session object which
will be handed to the controller. Should at least inherit from :py:class:`.Session`"""

[docs]def dispatch(env, start_response): """ WSGI dispatcher This represents the main WSGI app for Seshat. To use with `waitress`, for example:: from waitress import serve serve(dispatch) """ newHTTPObject = None req = request_obj(env) ses = session_obj(req) log_request(req) found = route_table.get(req) if found is not None: log_controller(req, found) newHTTPObject = found(request=req, session=ses) newHTTPObject = greenlet(newHTTPObject) res = newHTTPObject.switch() res = error_catcher(res, req, ses) or res res.headers.append("content-length", str(len(res))) log_response(req, res) start_response(res.status, res.headers) yield res.body.encode("utf-8") else: res = error_catcher.error(404, req, ses) start_response(res.status, res.headers) yield res.body.encode("utf-8")
def log_request(req): logger.debug("""\n\r------- Request --------------------- Method: %s HOST: %s URL: %s PARAMS: %s FILES: %s IP: %s UA: %s R: %s """ % (req.method,, req.url.path, req.params, req.files, req.remote, req.headers.user_agent, req.headers.referer)) def log_controller(req, obj): logger.debug("""\n\r------- Processing ------------------ Method: %s URL: %s Object: %s """ % (req.method, req.url.path, obj.__module__+"/"+obj.__name__)) def log_response(req, res): logger.debug("""\n\r--------- Response --------------------- URL: %s Status: %s Error: %s """ % (req.url.path, res.status, res.errors))