Source code for seshat.request

#!/usr/bin/env python
TODO: Doc This
Web App/API framework built on top of gevent
Main framework app

For more information, see:

Josh Ashby
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("seshat.request")

import Cookie
import uuid
import cgi
import tempfile
import urlparse

def parse_bool(p):
  if p == "True" or p == "true":
      return True
  elif p == "False" or p == "false":
      return False
      # Well fuck
      return False

[docs]class FileObject(object): """ Provides a File like object which supports the common file operations, along with providing some additional metadata which is sent from the client. """ _template = "< FileObject @ {id} Filename: {filename} Data: {data} >" def __init__(self, file_obj): self.filename = file_obj.filename = self.type = file_obj.type self.expanded_type = self.type.split("/") self.file = file_obj.file self.extension = "" parts = self.filename.split(".", 1) if len(parts) > 1: self.extension = parts[1]
[docs] def read(self): return
[docs] def readline(self): return self.file.readline()
[docs] def seek(self, where): return
[docs] def readlines(self): return self.file.readlines()
[docs] def auto_read(self): data = return data
def __repr__(self): string = self._template.format(**{ "id": id(self), "filename": self.filename, "data": len(self.auto_read()) }) return string
[docs]class BaseRequest(object): """ Represents the request from the server, and contains various information and utilities. Also the place to store the session object. """ cookie_name = "sid" """The name of the cookie""" def __init__(self, env): self.params = {} self.files = {} self._env = env self._raw_url = env["PATH_INFO"] self.url = urlparse.urlparse(env["PATH_INFO"]) """A `urlparse` result of the requests path""" self._parse_params() self._parse_cookie() self._parse_auth() self.build_session() self.build_cfg() self.method = self._env["REQUEST_METHOD"].upper() """The HTTP method by which the request was made, in all caps.""" self.remote = env["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"] if "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" in env else "Unknown IP" """The clients IP, otherwise `Unknown IP`""" self.user_agent = env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] if "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in env else "Unknown User Agent" """The user agent, unparsed, or the string `Unknown User Agent`""" self.referer = env["HTTP_REFERER"] if "HTTP_REFERER" in env else "" """The referal URL if it exists, otherwise an empty string.""" self.remote_accepts = [] if "HTTP_ACCEPT" in env: r = env["HTTP_ACCEPT"].split(",") for bit in r: q = 1 b = bit.split(";") if len(b) > 1: c = b[1].split("=") if len(c) > 1: q = float(c[1].strip(" ")) self.remote_accepts.append((b[0], q)) self.pre_id_url = None = None self.command = None
[docs] def accepts(self, t): """ Determines if the given mimetype is accepted by the client. """ a = [ i for i in self.remote_accepts if t in i[0] ] return len(a) > 0
def _post_route(self, extended): if extended: parts = extended.split('/', 1) = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: self.command = parts[1] else: self.command = None if self.pre_id_url = self.url.path.split([0].strip("/").split("/") else: self.pre_id_url = self.url.path.strip("/").split("/") def _parse_params(self): all_mem = {} all_files = {} temp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() temp_file.write(self._env['wsgi.input'].read()) # or use buffered read() form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=temp_file, environ=self._env, keep_blank_values=True) if isinstance(form.value, list): for bit in form: if hasattr(form[bit], "filename") and form[bit].filename is not None: fi = FileObject(form[bit]) all_files[] = fi else: all_mem[bit] = form.getvalue(bit) temp_file.close() self.params = all_mem self.files = all_files def _parse_cookie(self): cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() try: cookie.load(self._env["HTTP_COOKIE"]) self.session_cookie = { value.key: value.value for key, value in cookie.iteritems() } self.session_ID = self.session_cookie[self.cookie_name] except Exception: self.session_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.session_cookie = {self.cookie_name: self.session_ID} def _parse_auth(self): if "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" in self._env: auth_parts = self._env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].split(" ") if len(auth_parts) > 1: if auth_parts[0].lower() == "basic": name, passwd = base64.b64decode(auth_parts[1]).split(":") self.auth = {"username": name, "password": passwd} else: self.auth = None
[docs] def get_param(self, parameter, default="", cast=str): """ Allows you to get a parameter from the request. If the parameter does not exist, or is empty, then a default will be returned. You can also choose to optionally cast the parameter. If a parameter has multiple values then this will return a list of all those values. :param parameter: The name of the parameter to get :param default: The default to return if the parameter is nonexistent or empty :param cast: An optional cast for the parameter. """ try: p = self.params[parameter] if type(default) == bool: p = parse_bool(p) elif cast and cast is not str: if cast is bool: p = parse_bool(p) else: p = cast(p) return p except: return default
[docs] def get_file(self, name): """ Along with getting parameters, one may wish to retrieve other data such as files sent. This provides an interface for getting a file like :py:class:`.FileObject` which can be used like a normal file but also holds some meta data sent with the request. If no file by the given name is found then this will return `None` """ if name in self.files and self.files[name].filename: return self.files[name] else: return None
@property def id_extended(self): if self.command is None: return str( else: return "/".join([, self.command])
[docs] def build_session(self): """ Called during the objects instantiation. Override to set the requests `session` property. """ pass
[docs] def build_cfg(self): """ Called during the objects instantiation. Override to set the requests `cfg` property. """ pass
[docs] def log(self, head): """ Called right at the end of the request when the response is being returned to the client. This is useful for logging to a database or log file. :param head: The reponses :py:class:`.Head` object which was returned to the client. """ pass