Source code for seshat.route_table

#!/usr/bin/env python
Web App/API framework built on top of gevent
route table

For more information, see:

Josh Ashby
from route_containers import RouteContainer

[docs]class RouteTable(object): def __init__(self): self._data = {}
[docs] def add_route(self, r_container): """ Adds the given route container to the route table. :param r_container: The route container which contains the url and controller for a route. :type r_container: :py:class:`.RouteContainer` """ assert isinstance(r_container, RouteContainer) self._data[r_container.url] = r_container
def get(self, request): """ Attempts to find the closest match to the given url. Its messy but it gets the job done. mostly well. not sure on the amount of processing time it has or hasn't saved however, but it doesn't use regex... :/ :parsed_url: urlparse.ParseResult """ parsed_url = request.url obj = None extended = "" base = None orig_path = parsed_url.path.rstrip("/") if not orig_path: base = "/" else: if orig_path in self._data: base = orig_path else: found = False path = orig_path while not found: path_parts = path.rsplit("/", 1) base = path_parts[0] if base in self._data: found = True extended = orig_path[len(base)+1:] else: path = path_parts[0] if not path: base = None found = True if base is not None: request._post_route(extended) name = base if request.command: tmp = "/".join([base, request.command]) if tmp in self._data: name = tmp elif tmp = "/".join([base, "view"]) if tmp in self._data: name = tmp obj = self._data[name].controller return obj def __repr__(self): routes = "" routes_template = "\t{key}:\n\t\t{value}\n" for route in self._data: route = routes_template.format(key=route, value=self._data[route]) routes = ''.join([routes, route]) string = "< RouteTable @ {id} Table:\n{table}\n >" string = string.format(**{ "id": id(self), "table": routes }) return string
urls = RouteTable()